Thursday, February 18, 2016



a call to rise to a higher level of consciousness

There comes a time, perhaps one of many in your life, where you feel like you need to stand up for what is right.  It may be only a tiny change in lifestyle or a grand gesture of global significance. Anything that you feel you are compelled to do as you reach for a higher level of consciousness. It's not the same as feeling you are meant for greater things. It's knowing you have to speak or take action to create change. You aren't doing it for fame and fortune or a pat on the back but because you know it is morally right to do so. You don't have to change who you are and what you do (although many have sold everything they own and moved to a remote part of the world to fulfill their call) but how you think and how you do things. You become more aware of how choices and actions affect not only your life but that of others.  We must rise above political, religious and xenophobic attitudes and see the world as it pertains to all creatures that inhabit the globe. 

Judgement asks the question "Will you heed the call to make a difference in this world"  Some examples of how you might make a difference are volunteering to teach someone to read, donating time to an animal shelter, buying a homeless woman a sandwich, putting a dollar in the under privileged kids camp fund, having more meatless meals, shovelling your neighbours driveway, ...well, you get the idea. Is there something you have been thinking about doing that you feel might make a difference? Every little bit counts.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ace of Pentacles

The promise of health, wealth and contentment.

The Ace of Pentacles is representative of the physical and those things we usually associate 
with that realm; health and strength, hard work and commerce, growth and abundance. 

Some of the ways we can manifest the Ace of Pentacles today could be to make plans to spend time with our family and friends with plenty of delicious homemade food. You could get out in the garden and get your hands dirty or plan your summer garden, if you live in a snowy region. You could get over to the gym or go for a long hike in the woods. The Ace of Pentacles is all about becoming stronger, healthier, richer and taking the first steps towards a more comfortable life.

What are some of the things you would like to have in your life as far as health, wealth and contentment go? Do you need a lot of money to have a rich and satisfying life? How important is it to you to be strong and healthy? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Star

A light to steer by in the darkest night.

 Sometimes it feels as though this card is sentient! I am not exaggerating when I say that time and time again, this card comes to the top of the deck when I am wondering if I should keep up with my tarot practice, reminding me what it is I want to do with what I know after all these years of studying tarot. I feel like I have a lot to share. It is fitting that my first post after a five year absence would be the Star. Its message is the reason why I call my tarot practice 'Star Tarot'! 

The Star signifies hope, healing and inspiration.  It urges our spirit to reach for our highest level of consciousness where the very best of humanity dwells. It reminds us that even in our darkest times, there is always something to lead us up and out of the murk. It is the promise that everything is going to be okay, you will somehow make it through and in the passing you will have a sense of wholeness and healing.  Sometimes the light is so tiny we fail to notice its quiet presence but then suddenly, it shines out so brightly we wonder why we didn't see it all along.  It's the lightness of being when someone says "I can help" and you suddenly don't feel quite so alone.  It's the calm you feel when the worst is over and you realize you survived and you are a better person for it. It's the inspiration to share that experience with others so they may have a light to guide them.  That's the really awesome thing about the Star. When you share the hope, love and healing it inspires, its light just gets brighter and brighter.

Is there something you feel hopeless about in your life? Can you find even the tiniest Star in this darkness? What has given you hope in the dark times of the past?
 How can you be Star for someone who is struggling? Do it.