Stop hanging on to what is no longer working for you. Open yourself up to new possibilities.
Ah, Death. I love this card. Everyone is always very freaked out to draw this card but for me it is one of the most positive cards in the deck. Death signals it is time to discard any systems that no longer resonate within your soul. It calls for deep inner probing, although for mostly everyone there is that one thing that will pop into their mind when I suggest there is something not working for them. The deep probing is to determine why they persist in hanging on to it. 99% of the time it is fear of what lies beyond because in Death, we don't know what lies beyond. (We humans are actually hardwired with to need to know. It's a scientific fact that if we can't find the reason for something our brains will make something up for us. Just think about that for a minute or two!) But there is something profoundly liberating by shedding the burden of negative energy that opens you up to possibilities that are often hidden by that heavy load. Opportunities suddenly seem to appear when you rid yourself of toxic people, situations and ideas.
Start small, if you have to, by taking one negative thought you have about yourself and questioning it. Is it really true? Probably not. How has it harmed you or held you back? Who would you be, what could you accomplish if this idea was cast aside? Is there any reason for you to keep believing it?
That was easy wasn't it? Now do it again. Work your way up to those seemingly hopeless situations and ask the same questions. You will be very surprised at what happens.
I am very interested in hearing about any thoughts you have about my posts and happy to answer any questions.
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