Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Five of Pentacles

                    Switch your focus from what you don't have to what you do have.

        This is a state of mind I have locked myself into many times as I'm sure mostly everyone has. We look at our lives and see what we lack in material goods and physical attributes. We moan and groan about having no money, being too fat, being stuck in a dead-end job, being bored and tired, having a nose that's too big... well, I could go on forever. People are always very open about all the things that are wrong about their lives and we empathize with them, sharing what's wrong with ours. What if we made a promise to ourselves that whenever we start this kind of talk, we switch focus and speak of all the great things we have and how much there is to love about our lives? What if, when we began the litany of lack, we stopped and began to list the abundance? I sat down with pen and paper to write down all the things that are wonderful in my life and have been astounded by fabulousness of it all. Seeing it there in front of me made me realize that what I believe is true and what is actually true are two different things.  How often does this happen? More than I care to admit and I am betting the same goes for you. Take a few minutes today and write down all the things that are wrong with your life and then all the things that are right. I'm going to keep my list and update it frequently and read it every time I start feeling like that person on the Five of Pentacles.
         Did you make your list today? How did you feel after you finished it? Are you astounded? Tell me about some of the amazing people and things in your life.

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