Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Empress


          Oh, yes, Darlings! For today you may indulge any or all of your appetites without the guilt. Empress has spoken!

Sure, it's not like I deny myself those guilty pleasures. But I usually have that bitch in my head telling me that I'm going to pay for it. Kind of takes the fun right out of it. Today, I give myself permission to enjoy whatever indulgences I decide to partake. And here's the cool bit about that. You may find that when you allow yourself to give in to the sensations of appetite that you don't need very much to satisfy you. I don't enjoy furtively eating an entire Crunchie bar as quickly as possible so I don't get caught as much as I enjoy popping a square of Lindt dark chocolate, closing my eyes and feeling its silky sweetness melt on my tongue. Mmmm. Treating yourself to even the smallest something you enjoy should be an everyday part of your life. It makes you more relaxed, you feel special and loved which translates into self confidence and inner power and that gives you what you need to conquer your world. Try it and see if I'm wrong. Let me know what your favourite indulgences are, how you felt by giving yourself permission to enjoy and what you keep denying yourself. I'm off to my bubble bath!


  1. Well, I took this quite literally. I indulged my appetite with a big mac and fries today. Did I feel guilty? Hells No! Thanx Empress.

  2. This is my favourite card. She teaches balance through self love.
